Curated Articles for Designers

What Are Curated Articles? 

Curated articles are collections of articles, webpages, and online publications that have been hand-selected by an editor or curator according to a set of specific criteria. Curated articles provide detailed information on a variety of topics, allowing designers to access diverse insights on design principles, new trends and practices, and strategies for success. 

Why Should Designers Read Curated Articles?

Curated articles for designers are a valuable resource for staying up to date on the latest design trends and practices. By reading curated articles, designers can be exposed to new ideas and perspectives, learn new techniques and strategies, and gain an overall understanding of the design landscape. Additionally, reading curated articles can help designers stay creative and motivated, deepening their knowledge of design principles and stimulating their design process. 

Types of Curated Articles Designers Should Read 

Designers should look for a variety of types of curated articles. For example, they should look for articles that provide conceptual information on effective design strategies, projects, trends and inspirations. Additionally, they should look for case studies and collections of interviews that provide insights into the design process. Furthermore, designers should read articles that discuss the history and development of design practice and design trends. 

Where to Find Curated Articles 

Designers can find curated articles in a variety of places. Popular magazines like Print and Wired often feature curated articles related to design. Additionally, websites and blogs such as Awwwards, Designmodo, and Smashing Magazine feature curated articles. Lastly, design meetup groups, conferences, and other networking events are also a great source of curated articles. 

How to Read and Process Curated Articles 

Reading curated articles is a great way for designers to grow and develop. When reading curated articles, designers should take their time and carefully consider the information presented. Additionally, designers should look for patterns and concepts that can be applied to their own work. After reading curated articles, designers should take some time to reflect and consider how the information can be applied to their own design processes. 


By reading and reflecting on curated articles, designers can keep their minds active and access diverse and valuable insights into the design process. By taking the time to read, process, and apply the information presented in these articles, designers can stay up to date on trends, inform their own practices, and sharpen their skills.

Tips for Designers

Tips is a curated collection of the tools, intro courses, and practices.

More Tools

Articles will keep your mind active and expose you to new ideas, keep reading and make yourself knowledgeable.

More Intro Courses

Articles will keep your mind active and expose you to new ideas, keep reading and make yourself knowledgeable.

More Practices

Articles will keep your mind active and expose you to new ideas, keep reading and make yourself knowledgeable.

Read Blog Posts

Articles will keep your mind active and expose you to new ideas, keep reading and make yourself knowledgeable.

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