
Case studies are an important part of the design process for both experienced professionals and beginners alike. They allow for a deep dive into the creative process and provide an opportunity for designers to practice and hone their skills in a low-pressure environment. Case studies can serve as a reference for best practices, streamline the creative process, help solve design challenges, and provide inspiration and ideas. 


When seeking case study resources for designers, there are a variety of places to turn. Some of the most popular include: 

  • Design case studies from websites and blogs
  • Design Portfolios of past projects
  • Magazine and newspaper features
  • Design Books and eBooks 
  • Design Documentaries and Feature Films 
  • Example Projects from Design Conferences
  • User Experience (UX) Case Studies
  • Design Tutorials and Videos 

Finding Case Studies

There are several different ways to find case studies that are relevant to your needs as a designer. One of the best methods is to search the internet using keywords and phrases related to your design interests. You can also reach out to peers, colleagues, and mentors who can provide valuable insight and resources. Social media and professional networks can be a great source of case studies as well, with plenty of sharing and networking opportunities. 

Evaluating Case Studies

When evaluating case studies, it’s important to consider the source, the detail provided, and the relevance of the case study to your own design needs. Additionally, it’s important to identify any potential issues or flaws in the design that you can learn from, and to understand what design elements may be repeated or reused, as this can inform your own creative process. 

Creating a Design Brief or Scenario

Once you’ve identified relevant case studies, it can be beneficial to create a design brief or imagined scenario based on the information provided. This will allow you to practice your skills without the added pressure or consequences of a real-world project. Your design brief or scenario can include all details you deem necessary and should be tailored to your own skill level and experience.

Tips for Designers

Tips is a curated collection of the tools, intro courses, and practices.

More Tools

A design brief or imagined scenario aimed to help you practice your design skills. Use case studies to practice without the pressure of a clients and stakeholders.

More Intro Courses

A design brief or imagined scenario aimed to help you practice your design skills. Use case studies to practice without the pressure of a clients and stakeholders.

More Practices

A design brief or imagined scenario aimed to help you practice your design skills. Use case studies to practice without the pressure of a clients and stakeholders.

Read Blog Posts

A design brief or imagined scenario aimed to help you practice your design skills. Use case studies to practice without the pressure of a clients and stakeholders.

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